Lebed' Aleksandr A.
Postgraduate head;
Head of the Lab.;
Member of Academic Council;
Personal informationOleksandr Lebed was born on July 14, 1984 in the village of M. Bobryk of Lebedyn district of Sumy region (now Lebedyn city community of Sumy district of Sumy region). In the period from 1990 to 2001, he received a secondary education in a local comprehensive school of grades I-III, upon graduation he was awarded a gold medal. In 2001, he entered the Sumy State Pedagogical University to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, specialty "Physics". In 2006, he received a specialist diploma with honors for the qualification "Physicist". From August to October 2006, he worked at the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as an engineer of the II category, where in November 2006 he entered postgraduate studies. Successfully completed postgraduate studies in 2009. In July 2010, he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences "Stimulated and spontaneous bremsstrahlung in the electron scattering by a nucleus in pulsed light field" in the specialty 01.04.02 - theoretical physics. In the period from 2009 to 2016, he worked in the laboratory and department of quantum electrodynamics of strong fields of the IPF of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the positions of junior researcher, researcher and senior researcher. From September 2016 to August 2018, he studied at the doctoral program of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In April 2021, he defended his Doctor of Science thesis "Nonlinear effects in the processes of quantum electrodynamics in a strong pulsed laser field" (01.04.02 - theoretical physics). Since September 2018, he became a senior researcher at the Department of Nuclear Physical Research №30 of the IAP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Since February 2019 - head of laboratory №31 "Laboratory of X-ray phase contrast tomography on the basis of compact accelerators". Since 2017, he has been a member of the Franco-Ukrainian Associated International Laboratory as part of the International Research Project "Instrumental Developments for Experiments at Accelerator Facilities and Accelerator Technologies" (LIA/IRP IDEATE). The main area of research is the interaction of quasi-monochromatic radiation with matter. This includes the study of nonlinear effects in the processes of quantum electrodynamics in pulsed laser fields of various configurations, the study of kinematic features of physical processes in external fields. The scientific interests include the development of non-destructive research methods for applications in medicine and materials science. In particular, the development of X-ray phase contrast methods using X-ray radiation sources based on compact accelerators, which includes the study of the features of radiation generation by beams of charged particles and the physics of particles beams, the study of coherent properties of X-ray radiation and nonlinear optical effects. Scientific interest also includes the development of analytical approaches and applied calculations for the positron annihilation spectrometry method. From May 2024, he took the position of acting director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. List of main publicationsMonographs1. Roshchupkin S.P., Lebed A.A. Effects of a strong pulsed light field in the processes of quantum electrodynamics // Vidavnitstvo “Naukova Dumka”, 2013, 212 p.2. Sergei P. Roshchupkin, Alexandr A. Lebed’, Elena A. Padusenko and Alexey I. Voroshilo Resonant Effects of Quantum Electrodynamics in the Pulsed Light Field // Quantum Optics and Laser Experiments, Edited by SergiyLyagushyn (by InTech Rijeka, Croatia), 2012, pp. 107-156. Articles1. A.A. Lebed, S.P. Roshchupkin, The influence of a pulsed light field on the electron scattering by a nucleus, // Laser Physics Letters, 2008, V.5 №6, p.437-445.2. A.A. Lebed, S.P. Roshchupkin, Nonresonant spontaneous bremsstrahlung by relativistic electron scattered by a nucleus in the field of pulsed light wave // European Physical Journal D, 2009, V.53, p.113-122 3. A.A. Lebed, S.P. Roshchupkin, Spontaneous bremsstrahlung effect in the nonrelativistic electron scattering by a nucleus in the field of pulsed light wave // Laser Physics Letters, 2009, V.6, №6, p.472-479 4. A.A. Lebed, S.P. Roshchupkin, Resonant spontaneous bremsstrahlung by an electron scattered by a nucleus in the field of pulsed light wave // Physical Review A, 2010, V.81, р.033413(1-13) 5. A.A. Lebed, S.P. Roshchupkin, Resonant Electron–Positron Pair Photoproduction on a Nucleus in a Pulsed Light Field // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2011, V.113, №1, p.46–54. 6. Lebed A.A., Roshchupkin S.P. Nonresonant Photocreation of Electron-Positron Pair on a Nucleus in the Field of a Pulsed Light Wave // Laser Physics, 2011, V.21, №9, p.1613–1620. 7. Roshchupkin S.P., Lebed A.A., Padusenko E.A., Voroshilo O.I. Quantum electrodynamics resonances in a pulsed laser field // LaserPhysics, 2012, V.22, №6, p.1113-1144 8. S.P. Roshchupkin, A.A. Lebed, E.A. Padusenko, Nonresonant quantum electrodynamics processes in a pulsed laser field // Laser Physics, 2012, V.22, №10, p.1513–1546. 9. Lebed A.A., Roshchupkin S.P. Interference effect in electron scattering on a nucleus in the field of two pulsed laser waves of circular polarization// Laser Physics, 2013, V.23, p.125301(9) 10. Padusenko E.A., Lebed A.A., Roshchupkin S.P., Resonant interference effect in scattering of an electron by an electron in the field of two pulsed laser waves // Universal Journal of Physics and Application, 2013, V. 1(3), p.274-285 11. Roshchupkin S.P., Lebed A.A. Parametric interference effect in electron-nucleus scattering in the field of two pulsed laser waves // Physical Review A., 2014, V. 90, 035403(5рр) 12. Lebed A.A. Mott scattering in a field of two pulsed laser waves // Laser Physics, 2015, V.25, N.5, 055301 (8рр) 13. Lebed A.A., Poshupkin S.P., Padusenko E.A. Resonant scattering of ultrarelativistic electrons in the strong field of a pulsed laser wave// Laser Physics, 2016, V.26, №2, 025302(9 p) 14. Lebed A.A., Padusenko E.A., Roshchupkin S.P., Dubov V.V. Parametric interference effect in nonresonant spontaneous bremsstrahlung of an electron in the field of a nucleus and two pulsed laser waves // Physical Review A, 2016, V. 94, 013424. 15. Lebed A.A. Electron-nucleus scattering at small angles in the field of a pulsed laser wave // Laser Physics Letters, 2016, V.13(4), 045401(7pp) 16. Lebed A.A., Padusenko E.A., Poshchupkin S.P., Dubov V.V. Parametric interference effect in nonesonant pair photoproduction on a nucleus in the field of two pulsed light waves // Physical Review A, 2017, V.95(4), 043406(11pp) 17. Lebed A.A., Padusenko E.A., Poshchupkin S.P., Dubov V.V. Resonant parametric interference effect in spontaneous bremsstrahlung of an electron in the field of a nucleus and two pulsed laser waves // Physical Review A, 2018, V.97(4), 043404(14pp) 18. Vorona M.I., Lebed O.A. Positron annihilation rate in point defects of reactor materials within the modified Tao-Eldrup model // Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, 2023, V.24 (2), pp.113 - 121 19. A.Yu. Ovcharenko, О.А. Lebed Modeling of X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging of Optically Heterogeneous Objects // Jornal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, 2024, Vol. 16 No 2, 02021 (6pp) 20. А.Ю. Овчаренко, О.А. Лебедь, Виявлення структурних особливостей об’єктiв методом рентгенівського фазового контрасту // Український фізичний журнал, [прийнято до друку]. Почесна грамота відділення ядерної фізики та енергетики НАН України (2012), Інше (2011), Стипендія Президента України (2008), Грант НАН України для молодих вчених (2011), Нагрудний знак - Талант, натхнення, праця (2013), Почесна грамота управління освіти (викладачі) (2014), Премія Президента України для молодих учених (2014), Стипендія Президента України (2016), Ювілейна почесна грамота (2018), Почесна грамота голови Сумської ОДА (2021), |
Annonce On December 22, 2021, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced a competition to replace the director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. According to the Statute of the NAS of Ukraine, the right to nominate candidates for the position of director of a scientific institution has: the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, the Bureau of the relevant branch of the NAS of Ukraine, members of the NAS of Ukraine, the Academic Council of the institution. A candidate for the position of director of a state scientific institution must be fluent in the state language, have a doctorate or doctor of philosophy and work experience as a researcher and (or) research and teaching staff of at least 10 years. Institute Research Training of scientific personnel |