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Miroshnichenkom Valentyn I.

Dr Sci
Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Senior research assistant, Honored Scientist of Ukraine


Personal information


Valentyn Myroshnichenko is a famous physicist  in the field of charged particle beams and plasma electronics, was born on 21 May 1935, Ivanivka village, Vovchan district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine.  He graduated from the Kharkiv State University in 1958.  From 1958 to 1995 he  rised from junior researcher to  the head of laboratory  in the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and  Technology. From 1995 to present he is the head of electrostatic accelerator department, Institute of Applied Physics NAS of Ukraine. Also, he is a deputy director of the Institute since 2006.

Valentyn Myroshnichenko is the author of pioneer works on relativistic electron beams to be used for generation of a short-wave electromagnetic radiation while interaction with electromagnetic waves based on forced coherent scattering of these waves by electrons of relativistic beam. He was the first, together with american scientists, to develop non-linear theory of free electron laser operation in so-called Raman mode when  electron Langmuir oscillations in relativistic beam occured due to the influence of  ponderomotive force of  incident and scattered waves become essential.

It was found an experimental verification of his prediction concerning amplification of  amplitude coefficients of a short-wave radiation when interaction is in the presence of external magnetic field under the fulfillment of resonance conditions. He is a co-author of idea and development of non-linear theory of plasma-loaded free electron laser for the case when  undulator is a Langmuir wave excited in plasma.

In this work a new joint mechanism of  Langmuir wave scattering, so-called abnormal scattering, was found. Note, that a year later an article of a big group of american authors where the same ideas were presented and considered, was published.

V. I. Myroshnichenko together with Ya. B. Fainberg are the authors of idea and non-linear theory on physical mechanism of electron beam acceleration based on  reverse mechanism of plasma-loaded free electron laser .

His pioneer work devoted to study of non-stability during ion-cyclotron heating of ion component of plasma served as a beginning of a wide range of theoretical and experimental works carried out  in KIPT  while solving problems of controlled nuclear fusion. Scientific  achievements of V. I. Myroshnichenko of the last decades are related to design and construction of  IAP analytical accelerator facility to study elemental composition and structure of  substances with nuclear physics techniques.

These investigations and developments resulted in a start-up of the first on the territory of CIS nuclear scanning microprobe to carry out non-destructive local analysis of  structure and elemental composition of substances.

V.I. Myroshnichenko actively participates in training of young specialists working as a professor of experimental and theoretical department and where he gives courses "Physical principles of charged particle acceleration" and "Physics of plasma".

The main publications

  • Ignatiev I.G., Magilin D.V., Miroshnichenko V.I., Ponomarev A.G., Storizhko V.E., Sulkio-Cleff B. Immersion probe-forming system as a way to the compact design of nuclear microprobe //Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B.- 2005. - V. 231. - P. 94-100.
  • Игнатьев И.Г., Мирошниченко В.И., Пономарев А.Г., Сторижко В.Е., Oптимизация иммерсионной зондо-формирующей системы ионного микрозонда мегаэлектронвольтных энергий // Прикладная физика.- 2006. -№5. - С. 47-50.
  • Ponomarev A.G., Miroshnichenko V.I., Storizhko V.E. The Beam Control in Quadrupole Probe-Forming Systems with Allowance of Correlation between Angular Distribution and Energy Spread of Charged Particles // Physics Procedia 2008. - V. 1. - P. 99-104.

Почесна грамота Президії НАН України (2008), Почесна грамота відділення ядерної фізики та енергетики НАН України (2008), Подяка Президії НАН України (2010), Почесна грамота Президії НАН України (2005), Подяка прем єр-міністра (2013), Інше (2014),


On December 22, 2021, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine announced a competition to replace the director of the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. According to the Statute of the NAS of Ukraine, the right to nominate candidates for the position of director of a scientific institution has: the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine, the Bureau of the relevant branch of the NAS of Ukraine, members of the NAS of Ukraine, the Academic Council of the institution. A candidate for the position of director of a state scientific institution must be fluent in the state language, have a doctorate or doctor of philosophy and work experience as a researcher and (or) research and teaching staff of at least 10 years.